our solutions


Consortium Platform: Safely and securely share data with peer organisations to improve your fraud and financial crime capabilities.

Effectively share and access shared data to combat fraud and scams at scale

The rise in authorised fraud and scams, along with upcoming regulatory responses create a number of issues for PSPs. Without investment or access to purpose built tools, company liability and operational costs increase substantially.

  • Improve operational efficiency

    Share and access data through our secure platform and replace non-GDPR-compliant communication platforms

  • Support increasing regulatory expectations

    Comply with fraud and AML data sharing requirements to improve prevention, detection and disruption of mules

  • Secure storage and transmission

    Data stored and processed in line with GDPR, or equivalent, at our Swiss data centre

  • Set data sharing preferences

    Closed group data sharing and parameterised sharing to promote reciprocity between consortium members

The best way to expand your reach and contribute to the community

CYBERA FINSYNC™ Consortium Platform provides an effective platform for sharing vital data among global institutions and agencies to help combat fraud and scams.

  • Get matches across a larger data set
    Search across a larger data set of suspect transactions and get matches based on custom alert requirements
  • Simplify communications
    Communicate with other members on specific cases and have receive alerts through our central platform
  • Gain more insight
    Get access to management insights to gain a deeper understanding of the data

Integrate with additional CYBERA services to add further value throughout the fraud and financial crime ecosystem