Choose The Right
Plan For You.

Watchlist™ Complaint™


    Help victims report & recover

    • Dedicated link for victim reporting
    • Money laundering alerts via platform inbox
    • Quarterly report scam insights
  • PREMIUM (SaaS Fee)

    Starting at $1400/month

    Provide best-in-class victim support, access complaints & analytics

    • Same as FREEMIUM
    • Co-branded crime reporting
    • Full service victim support
    • Victim dashboard access
    • Full platform access
    • Case management dashboard
    • Real-time case analytics, crime trends & insights

    Talk to us to discuss alternative fee/pricing structure

    Request Demo

Prevention is better than cure – combine


End-to-end Cybercrime Victim Support & Response.


Cybercrime intelligence to reduce losses globally via real-time data.

Questions?We’re here to help

What is CYBERA VSR™?

Provides a coordinated legal response to support victims, by sharing criminal complaints with beneficiary institutions and law enforcement, assisting in the effort to recover funds and reduce money laundering.

Why should I use CYBERA?

CYBERA is a global company, with a “Swiss made” DNA of quality standards and trust. Our solutions allow institutions to help victims of cybercrime and prevent further attacks. The team behind CYBERA unites experts from law enforcement, cybersecurity, technology and the financial sector.

Type of businesses that CYBERA partner with?

It is imperative to raise the cost of conducting cybercrime and increase the risks for cybercriminals. This can only be achieved through effective cooperation, with companies working alongside each other and side by side with law enforcement. CYBERA partners financial institutions, law enforcement, law firms and crypto businesses.

Real-time solutions that disrupt cybercrime.

Find out how we use innovative technology to disrupt financially motivated cybercrime.